Saturday, March 8, 2008

CD Review 7

Artist: Marry a Thief
Title: I Am Dying To Outlive You
My Picks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Genre: Local (Columbia) / Pop Rock

Heard of Erich Skelton? He’s been around Columbia for a while so you probably have. We also have pretty much all of his albums in the local section so if you haven’t heard of him go pull some albums and play them. But anyways, this is his new band.

Basically, Marry a Thief is the magic of Erich Skelton but in the form of an actual band.

Tracks 4 & 7 are a bit more singer-songwriter / lo-fi but are still great.

I love Erich Skelton. I love Marry a Thief. I love this CD. I love all the tracks. I love lamp.

RIYL: Erich Skelton

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