Friday, October 29, 2010


Spoiler alert: next Wednesday is going to be my fundraiser show! Our fundraiser programming kicks off tomorrow/tonight@mid-night but the fun starts TODAY with a Zombie walk from the Russell House patio at to the Monster Mash @ Bey's in 5 Pts. Festivities and gathering starts at 4, and zombie parading starts at 5:30. Hope to see all you zombies out there!

Some local businesses are getting into the spirit as well. For instance, Pack Rat's in 5 Pts is having a Zombie Sale! Anyone dressed as a Zombie gets 20%! What a deal!

But anyways, back to my show. Our fundraiser programming is going to consist of different themes on different days. My show day, Wednesday, is world day. Thus, my show will be a French show! Oh mon dieu! If you have any suggestions for Francophone music that you'd like to hear leave me a comment and I will do my best. :)

To call in and donate during my show the number is 803-576-9872. For more information on donating, see our website.

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